Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about me. I am a certified NLP Practitioner a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and compete internationally.
One of the key components of my growth over the years was studying and learning how to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind. For years I suffered from debilitating anxiety that made it difficult to leave the house. I also had recurring limiting beliefs that stopped me from attempting new things and held me back from stepping outside of my comfort zone.
"I'm not confident enough", "I’m not strong enough". "I’m too anxious". All of those thoughts and ideas were keeping me in a very small space in life.
Fast forward to today, and I am travelling around the world, BY MYSELF, and competing and winning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournaments. My life is drastically different.
In terms of my sport, it has allowed me to show up on competition day feeling confident that I have all of the tools and skills to perform my best. It’s allowed me to compete without worrying about what others think of me. When I am stuck on the bottom, instead of feeling like I’m drowning, I can strategically think my way out of bad situations. NLP has made it possible to change the way I approach and think about my sport.
If you're ready to elevate your mindset and propel yourself to the next level of your performance, contact me today. I am SO excited to pass on my knowledge and help you reach your next level of sport performance.
Mental Performance Coach
Certified NLP Practitioner
BJJ Purple Belt and International Competitor